Posted by Joanna Shimwell | May 3, 2020 | Recipes

Looking for something different? Try these creative ‘meatless’ patties! Thanks to Joanna Shimwell in the UK for sharing this recipe and allowing us to use it.
3 raw medium beetroot grated
1 medium raw onion grated
1 medium raw carrot to grated (I use a food processor with grate attachment for speed)
3 heaped tablespoons of plain flour
1 large egg
1 heaped teaspoon cumin
1 heaped teaspoon garam masala
0.5 tsp cayenne pepper
salt and pepper
Mix all together. Form by hand into patties and gently fry on each side for 4 minutes. After that pop them in the oven on medium heat or 20 minutes. Then you’re good to go. Enjoy!
Find Joanna on Instagram @joannashimwell